Friday, March 27, 2009

Where did the time go??

20 months has gone so fast. Wasn't it just yesterday that we were trying to figure out how we were going to get all 3 kids to a sitter with the chance that there was something wrong with baby? 20 months ago Pickle didn't pass his NST, a scary proposition for any parent, but then to try and consider that there is no one to watch your other children if you end up in the hospital right away is even scarier. Giving birth should be a miracle that is enjoyed and the time spent with the new baby bonding should be stressfree, but this time around it was none of that. Bad things happened through the three days that I was in the hospital. Nicholas was to stay one extra night and I couldn't do that. Things just wouldn't have allowed it back at home.

Nicholas was born with a hypospadias, two urethra holes. a simple fix supposedly, but somehow even this was botched up. He is looking at another surgery after this July to recorrect what was to be his recorrection. The skin didn't heal flat or in the manner it was supposed to. The one hole they tried to close up has reopened again, and he wont be a straight shooter yet. He also had his scrotum reattached and things lengthened. I know this isn't the most significant surgery out there. Babies are on the Operating table hours after birth for harder and worse things than this, but it is hard to be there when they put that mask on your baby and he is looking at you with wide open eyes scared.

He also has an asthma issue. Any time he has a cold he is put onto a nebulizer a few times a day. It is to the point that he loves to put the mask on and wont pull at it. He knows that it is going to help him, which is great, yet sad to know. His first treatment was when he was not wuite 4 months old due to a bad cold that stuck in his chest that the drs couldnt rule out RSV. Since then we have to pull this out every few months to use, sometimes for weeks at a time.

Due to the inhaler and steroids he is a little bit smaller than kids his age. He is fitting quite comfortably in 12 month clothes, sometimes even 9 month clothes. Regardless of his size he has the spitfire of a normal 20 month old when it comes to his attitude. He is the first to scream sTOP of Mine when the other kids are playing rough. He also has the boys running and jumping on chairs when he comes after them with play swords or the light sabers. He just figured out this week how to climb onto chairs and our bed. He is in a big boy twin bed for the last three months. He also is starting to use the potty. I just can't imagine what it would be like not to have any diapers in the house, we've had them for over 7 years.
He amazes me with his growing vocabulary and need to voice his opinion. He'll tell us when he wants something or more often than not when he doesn't want anything. He has a love hate relationship with Veronica that is enough to make me pull out my hair some days. There is that twinkle in his eye that lets you know that he is schemeing his next plan of attack. Too funny and cute.

Because he wasn't walking yet last fall he really wasn't able to experience the outside like the other kids have in the past, so when we go out now everything is what's that? or where did it go? as things blow around in the wind. He loves everything about balls: hitting, kicking throwing, and has one mean golf and hockey swing. His second favorite is sand...Just sitting and watching it fall through his fingers is sheer amazement. The wind through the dead leaves on the front tree leave him just staring for ten minutes at a time. He is all about seeing his world for the first time, something that the other three kids really never did. So I am once again seeing the small things around me . It is truely an uplifting experience.

If the next 20 months go as fast as these did, I hope that they can be as enjoyable and amazing.
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1 comment:

Joy said...

Beautiful story! You had me in tears...I am glad the little guy is doing alright considering all he has been and all he will have to go through in the future...